Ecuador, Aga, Iza, Natalia y Horsito (written by Natalia)

What is “Horsito”? you may ask. Well, in Ecuador it means absolutely nothing, but with our experience, it means everything that is roasted on a BBQ with it’s head still attached.
A pig, and a quinny pig, is the most common animal that you will see roasting full body, with its head over fire. However, when we were traveling to Banos on a bus, I swear, I saw a horse on a BBQ.
YES! A horse on a BBQ. I turned to Iza in disbelief and described what I saw, she replied “Horsito”?
I thought I was going to die laughing.
Maybe I was seeing shit, and maybe I was high on bus fumes, but it looked really weird to me with the whole head. A horse, out off all things WOW.
Most of our traveling with the girls in Ecuador was on the bus, and those were the primary sights: food, food and more food, landscape, cows, pigs, and food and horses on a truck, sheep, sheep on top of our bus!
Yes! live sheep on top of our bus with live chickens, no cage just free chickens along with our backpacks. I was like please don’t shit on my bag beeeeeeeeeeeeee. All it was missing on top of that damn roof was a …..Horsito.
Agnes did promise us she would try Ecuador’s delicacy, which is the roasted quinny pig. Somehow it never happened, she was always full when the pig was in sight. Now for her punishment she has to eat bulls penis soup!!!! Bon Appetite Aga waaga.