The Beat of Love in India.

The arranged love.

—Arranged marriages are great, is better then love marriage. — said Rajat, a guy who we met during a couchsurfing event in Mumbai. — First you marry and then love begins.
Arranged marriage in India is full on blossom. It’s custom, is the Indian culture and it’s the way it has been carried out for years. Nevertheless, the arranged marriage system has its flaws. This system originated when child marriage was the custom in India. Children at an early age, even before their puberty, were given in marriage. Such children could not give valid consent to marriage, and so parents were consenting. The purpose of child marriage was to prevent those children from seeking by themselves (when they become adults) somebody from lower caste or lower class for marriage. It was a means of restriction to their children from marrying outside their race and social status. Thus arranged marriage system is a product of caste system. It has developed to promote racism and classism, and it is not based on any spiritual value. Child marriages are now abolished by law, and the children are free to choose their own partners, according to law. But, you know, racism is in the blood, and the parents, even now, try to control their children by arranging marriages within the limits of race, caste, class and religion. Widely practice, works for some, and some pretend that it works.
Family is a major part of the marriage; the wife usually moves into the husband’s family, facing the battle of mother estrogen, constantly on point to make a point. In rare occasions the wife is not accepted and it makes her an outcast. — Woman, should stay home, and care for the children.— Said Wayhid, our couchsurfing host.  It’s just the way things are in India. Of course there are exceptions, and there are “love marriage” bounds. Pressure to keep the custom floating, and to keep an image rolling, only 4% of arranged marriage end in divorce, and that’s mainly because of the strong Indian culture. Leaving 96% of marriages in India happy. Hmmm…
— You learn to love.— Rajat’s girlfriend added to what he said earlier.
The Indian heart beat love story.
Listening in admiration as the two most beautiful people shared their love with us, they were glowing, in full love they decided to travel and enjoy themselves after a longed desire for love with multiple family conflicts. They were young, attraction formed as kids, they lived near each other. Different family values they were separated by the two opposite families to sustain the image. As young adults their connection only got stronger, with hidden meet ups they kept feeding each other with talks and laughs. After a long try and no possibilities the family got their way and the two were separated for good. She became rebellious and quickly found random love to marry to, with whom she had 3 beautiful daughters. She formed her life to what was expected from her. He went the traditional rout and married with arranged marriage, having a son. Many years passed he kept thinking of her the only love he wanted, his desire to be next to her, to talk to her was strong, it never died and with time it only became stronger. —Where is she? What she is up to?— With the help of digital world he randomly found her profile on a school board. Sent her a message and impatiently waited, loosing hope one day he felt different. He knew something was going to happen, he opened his email and seen her message. After many years the two have met, and the longed for love have reunited with extreme desire. She was free, he left everything and together they beat with one heart beat. It’s been 9 years since their reunion and the love is only stronger. They shine, they smile  and for sure we feel and hear their strong beat vibe.
They looked at each other and kissed, the kissed was real. — I love you. — she smiled and looked deep into his eyes. She was also touched by the story as she listened to him talk, and she was amazed that he opened up and shared with us. — We have been traveling for few weeks now, met many people and you choose to tell these girls this story.— she said laughing. He felt our connection and he knew we would swallow it with pleasure.
Thank you for sharing, if it was meant to happen it will happen. 

(their energy is way greater then the words can say)
A true heart beat sound.
It’s the heart beat, if you feel it let it beat it. It’s the moving part of our life, its responsible for our life, don’t let it down feed it. The heart will know true desire, don’t allow the outside to rule the inside.
Have you felt the heart beat?— When you find the one you will know, trust me.— Said a good friend once. When the heart is ready it will jump and make a move to the beat of your love.
Lets dance! Dance to the melody that will form our future. Step one allow the beat, step two pump harder, step three increase the flow and enjoy the bliss.
So, how many people really do feel the beat of love in India? They sure know how to move, but can they feel the beat?  

4 thoughts on “The Beat of Love in India.

  1. Your research on how arranged marriage originated in Indian culture is very well appreciated. You hit the right cords. However marrying within the caste has one more advantage which is neither of two face any cultural shocks (I believe you might have experience the impact of this many times during you recent voyage). This help to reduce conflict between the two.
    Now a days there has been a change in arranged marriage, Parents take their sons & daughters into their confidence & take advise before arriving at any decision so you can say that it offers the best of both the generation i.e. the experience of the senior ones as well the choice of the junior ones.

    Rajat Rathore

  2. It's really nice to read about your experiences with different people & their views. But, I'm still not able to buy arrange marriage concept fully. I mean if you are considering only fact that 96 % arrange marriages are successful, then, I must tell you that many people still don't realize their freedom. Yeah, you got that right PRESSURE.

    The last one "A true heart beat sound" is really wonderful and yes, I hope that one day people will make their own choice freely without any Pressure and will "don’t allow the outside to rule the inside" 🙂

    True saying–"Caged birds accept each other but flight is what they long for"

  3. hey cool birds!,
    nice that you are living your life…why dont people think something more?…they are living in a boundry and they think this is the life…hey people!!! wake up!!.. everyone should listen to their minds and enjoy life which is only one [at this moment.]..So wake up atleast from now and enjoy life.
    Note 1: please dont interfere with others destiny.
    Note 2: Be happy that we got this life,listen to your heart and live with them and ofcourse… love the nature!.

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