The Pyramids of San Juan Teotihuacan


Finally we have found something we like… Nice trip to the the Pyramids of San Juan Teotihuacan.
This is where the Sun and the Moon is shinning! So tall that it took us several breaks before reaching the top. The views were spectacular and the sun was shining hot beams, while reflecting on our white skins. Iza turned red and I pulled my muscled on the first step out of the 248 steps to the top of the Sun.

4 thoughts on “The Pyramids of San Juan Teotihuacan

  1. not far from mexico city…have you heard of the migration of butterflies in Angangueo, Mexico. Millions of monarch butterfly. sounds magical. find a web connection and check it out–linda s.

  2. I love Teotihuacan!!! its awsome, you really feel something there. -Juan Carlos

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