The sun is shinning, birds are chirping, crows are crowing, bells are ringing, bees are pollinating and I, Aga, am…
What are the chances of finding LOVE abroad
— You are a great kisser — he said. Too bad that we won’t know how it would have been…
Aga’s new addition to her body.
Things that happen in between travels, om…
Hot Toddies 8 days of street food extravaganza in Hanoi.
Did we mention that Hanoi is officially our top 10 cities we recommend you must visit? It’s a city full…
5 Tips on How to Buy, Drive and Sell Your Campervan in New Zealand
5 Tips on Buying a Campervan or Station-wagon in New Zealand. 1. Best deals. Are in Christchurch! Majority of people…
The beauty and the beast from Morocco
Nearly 2 full months passed in Morocco as we cross on the fast speed catamaran to Tarifa, Spain, where on…
Lets get lost in the Medina in Marrakech
Lets start in the ancient section of the city, known as the medina, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in…
Tropical Vistas and Astounding Spectacles of Phuket
–> Thinking of a tropical holiday but don’t exactly have much in the way of a holiday budget? Well, it…
Hot Toddies are living the Ashram life. Phool Chatti Ashram.
Random thoughts are displaying in the darkness of my eyes. My mind is going crazy being forced to think of…
Tips for survival in Kathmandu
Customs in Nepal and KathmanduUnderstanding and acknowledging customs in any country is essential to get the most out of your…
We survived and were shaken up by the latest earthquake in Nepal.
The floor gently started to vibrate; everybody stopped what they were doing. Looking around, clueless, fear and panic began to…
Why Everybody should start CouchSurfing.
So what the hell is this magical, brilliant, social, genius idea of CouchSurfing (CS)? It’s a social networking site that…
We ate a dog (thịt chó) in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Dog in your Face! We are stuffed into a taxi like sardines in tomato sauce, swinging cab is accelerating, and…
This is Burma (Myanmar)
Listen up addicted Starbucks coffee drinkers, early morning metro seat hunters, I-tune-users, texting junkies, and taxi drivers. There is a…
A Must Read Kiwi Dictionary
How to speak New Zealander for bist effct, rid these out loud!PECK-to feel a suitcasePIGS-for hanging out washing withPUG-large animal…
What sucks about traveling in Central America
• waking up at 4am to catch a bus • wearing the same shirt for couple days • no refrigerator…
Hot Toddies recipe for coconut rice from Belize
Ingredients: Belize Placencia, Beach Coconut tree shade 2 hot toddies Coconut Coconut man 2 liters of “1 Barrel” rum Directions:…
The Hot Toddies Unlimited Recipe
Ingredients:• One way ticket to Mexico• 50-liter backpack• D90 Nikon camera, custom made straps plus 4 lenses • Mini tripod•…
The Original Hot Toddy Recipe
1 1/2 ounces Whiskey1 ounce Honey1/3 ounce Lemon Juice3 ounces Water (Hot)If you have a microwave, the easiest way to…